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Body Balance

Is body balance important in leadership? You are probably too young to remember the TV series Kung Fu, which follows the adventures of Kwai Chang Caine, a Shaolin monk who travels through the American Old West, armed only with his spiritual training. His mentor, Master Po had the fabulous line where he addressed the monk with the response, ”Patience, grasshopper.” Master Po didn’t run around

Debate Analysis

Debate Analysis To the average punter, the recent USA leaders debate between Trump and Biden was boring, embarrassing and one could even posit an indication of the fall of a nation. Honestly, what a duo! It makes Sophie’s choice look like a walk in the park. To make that choice, as a communication scholar, one firstly turns to the ancient wisdom of rhetorical scholar Quintilian,

Pick up the phone

Answer the phone On any given day I pick up the phone to get back to a list of requests and . . . nothing. No one answers the phone any more, but is it good for us? What are the stats? Research reflects our lived experience of a diminishing number of calls with a recent BankMyCell survey of 1,200 millennials revealing that as many