To Media or Not to Media

To Media or Not to Media – Off today to do radio with Laura Byrne and Brittany Hockley. Who are they I hear you ask? OK, well, I had to ask too. It’s Bachelor fame. We all have to tune in more.

You see these people have a massive following. In fact, they now have their own radio show, which is where I fit in.

One thing I have learnt over the years is the power of the media. I have always said that:

“Speaking sells speaking”

[Lead With Gravitas] To Media or Not to Media

However, more and more, the power of media kicks in. Yesterday I met with a prospective client. I asked her how she knew of me. Did she know I had coached the CEO of her organisation? No, she didn’t. Did she know I had done a session for their women in leadership group? No, she didn’t. OK, it’s a large organisation, so maybe it was word of mouth. “No”, she said. So how did she find me? “TV!”.

That a clip of few minutes, speaking on whatever is in the news under enormous stress. That is what she liked. Believe me, I think, there is a lot behind that. Surely those few minutes did not sway. But they did.

My TV clips get between 1 million to 2.5 million views. This is not to be sneezed at. In fact, the detectives and body language group in America did not match the latest views of this little black duck in Melbourne Australia. I’m amazed!

Here’s three things I have learnt:

1. Media is important
2. What you find interesting is not what the public find interesting
3. You are only as good as your last performance (make it funny, honey)

So, out of your skill set how do you find something that interests others that is not about you and your business. Honestly, there is no such thing as a boring business or skill set. The question is: How do you take a different angle? Then how do you get them to ring you back.

Ask yourself these questions:

    • Do you have content?

    • Can you make it news worthy?

    • Can you overcome the fear?

    • Do you have the skills?

Get out of your own way.

Take a risk.

Join me.

To learn more, please join me at my Gravitas days in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.

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About Me

Dr Louise Mahler is a body language expert. With a focus on study of the mind-body relationship and business applications; providing practical inspiring improvement to global leaders.

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