HOW IMPORTANT IS STRUCTURE IN YOUR PRESENTATIONS? – As a professional speaker I’ve found incredible value in employing and adhering to structure in my presentations. In this blog I’d like to relay why it’s been…
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Yawning and Empathy
YAWNING AND EMPATHY – Contagious yawning is an odd phenomenon. To varying degrees witnessing a yawn will cause you to reciprocate. The questions are firstly why and secondly, who cares! In 2015, a study was…
How Long Should You Hold Eye Contact?
HOW LONG SHOULD YOU HOLD EYE CONTACT? – It’s hard not to feel a little bit awkward when you or someone you’re talking to holds a gaze for just that little bit too long. But…
Do You Need to be Funny to Speak? (Um, yes!)
DO YOU NEED TO BE FUNNY TO SPEAK? (UM,YES!) – Humour is a funny thing (no kidding) when used in a corporate arena. On one hand it can be wielded to increase your influence when…
Ep-02 Jeff Civillico
EP-02 JEFF CIVILLICO – It’s easy to be envious of those who have always known exactly what they wanted to do with their lives. Las Vegas entertainer and philanthropist Jeff Civillico is an enviable prime…
Obstacles of the Female Leader
OBSTACLES OF THE FEMALE LEADER – If you are a woman rising to leadership in any environment be it public or private, you have likely felt friction when stereotyped definitions of a good leader and…
The Missing Ingredient Preventing You from Career Success
THE MISSING INGREDIENT PREVENTING YOU FROM CAREER SUCCESS – The missing ingredient is something I’ve noticed in all my years as a professional speaker, leadership coach and body language & behavioural expert. It permeates through…
How Uptalk & Vocal Fry are undermining Your Performance
HOW UPTALK & VOCAL FRY ARE UNDERMINING YOUR PERFORMANCE – Is the way you speak limiting how you’re perceived by others in your career? Scientific research and my experience as a public speaker and international…
How to at least Look Like You’re Listening
HOW TO ATLEAST LOOK LIKE YOU’RE LISTENING – Have you ever been speaking only to witness your counterpart carelessly showing signs of boredom or disinterest? It’s disheartening and downright disrespectful, right?! You’ll likely remember this…
Break Free of Interruptions with the Baton Technique
Break Free of Interruptions with the Baton Technique – Have you ever been constantly interrupted whilst trying to convey your message? It’s terribly frustrating! In today’s corporate culture it can be a real struggle to…