As I told you before I could be more WOKE, if I’m honest. Today’s generation are far more aware than I (as my son lets me know regularly), but I try hard. However, one thing…
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How CEOs deal with no preparation
Pullin’ it together with no notice Two weeks ago, I woke early to my phone humming somewhere under my duvet where it had dropped as I fell asleep watching documentaries on ancient Rome (I know,…
If you can’t be seen, you don’t exist
If you can’t be seen, you don’t exist Last weekend, I went to a school reunion. What fun! We have all got to an age now where all the traumas of life have been dealt…
How CEOs deal with a disrespectful board
How CEOs deal with a disrespectful board It was a big day in Sydney: keynote, coaching and meetings. You know the drill – run, run, run, and then you race to the airport in peak…
How CEOs overcome panic in performance
How CEOs overcome panic in performance A client was just telling me how they feel dizzy and faint when they get in front of a large audience. That is a horrific experience, and it becomes…
How the Magic Mirror can help CEOs to connect
Romper Bomper Stomper boo Tell me, tell me, tell me do How the Magic Mirror can help CEOs to connect Who remembers Romper Room? OK, I’m showing my age, but the Magic Mirror has left…
Why CEOs and Leaders need a Renaissance
Why CEOs and Leaders need a Renaissance Speaking at a conference recently, Dr Susan Carland shared fabulous information on our mindset and our thoughts about conflict. Later, another speaker spoke (it wasn’t me!!) in ways…
Gravitas Upcoming Events
Gravitas Upcoming Events Does this happen to you? You’re sitting in meetings with other senior colleagues who have a lot to say. You wait for a gap to speak and when you make your point,…
How to respond to crisis at every turn
How to respond to crisis at every turn The chinese word for crisis is Wei Ji 危机 Wei means danger, while Ji means opportunity and in the ancient chinese philosophy, danger and opportunity live side…
How to remember a presentation
How to remember a presentation Who remembers Edward de Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’? I was speaking to a younger client today (OK everyone is younger) and when I mentioned to him, he interjected “Who’s he?”…