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Channelling Global Leaders – Queen Mary

How to cultivate executive presence

by channelling global leaders

Recently, someone told me that they wanted to channel their ‘Queen Mary’ energy in their conversations with leadership.

What?? I was intrigued.

In this instance, my client explained that they wanted to maintain a calm face when put on the spot, maintaining an air which did not reveal their inner [startled, shocked, taken aback] reaction when confronted with surprising or confronting situations.

I love this idea of embodying the style of someone who does something well. And it’s true. Queen Mary is magnificent in her communication style. She gives the appearance of being in control and un-phased – even in tough, ambiguous situations.

So, what’s my advice to keeping a calm Queen Mary-like face when managing difficult situations?

Firstly, it’s important to maintain the expression you have when the news is being shared, whether your conversation is taking place on video or in person. Hold it!

Then, nod, blink (holding eye contact) and smile in a way that’s appropriate to the situation.

(The smile actually relaxes face muscles and prevents you from frowning or appearing defensive in a difficult situation).

In the lead up to the recent Danish Coronation, we learned that Queen Mary had intensive training with stage and media professionals to maintain her external composure and develop her presence.

Be like Queen Mary. Don’t wait for a challenging situation to happen to build your skills. Practise in a mirror when getting ready in the morning or imagine difficult conversations and test yourself. Practise, practise, practise!

If you’d like to see my commentary on the Optus CEO and (then Crown Princess Mary), check out a recent This Morning interview on YouTube.

“You speak too fast! Slow down!”

If you’re someone who has ever

experienced the stress of speaking in

front of a group, you may have heard

this feedback. Maybe even, “Your

pitch is too high” or “We can’t hear

you.” This is common and seemingly

actionable feedback, but is it that


No, unsurprisingly.

To create vocal change and counteract those critiques that “you speak too fast” or too softly or too high — you must focus on body and breath.

Many problems are solved by simply standing up straight and using the arms to guide your air flow and consequently your sound.

Experiencing vocal challenges? Read my latest Forbes article for more tips.

Love Dr Louise Mahler

p.s. We’ve still got a few spots available for the Gravitas Masterclass in Sydney, 23 February. Start the year by elevating your executive presence.


Date:Friday, 23rd February 2024

Time: 9:30 am – 4 pm

Location: Accenture Sydney

International House, 3 Sussex St, Barangaroo NSW 2000

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About Me

Dr Louise Mahler is a body language expert. With a focus on study of the mind-body relationship and business applications; providing practical inspiring improvement to global leaders.

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